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Floorshrink diaries

Floorshrink diaries

Once upon a time there was a gas factory

2018. február 11. - Floorshrink

For years my office had a view onto the water tower of the old Gas Factory in Óbuda. From time to time I lamented about sneaking in (the complex was guarded from trespassers due to its seriously deteriorated condition) and taking a few pictures, but for some reason it was always dark by the time I got out of the office, so my dream did not materialize. 

One day published a post from Urbanista that featured images of the gas factory. I was pissed off for two reasons, first: someone got there earlier, second: there was much more in these amazing buildings than this guy managed to show.

There was a small photographer community around me, some of them I infected with photography during my MSFT services years, some of them were bitten by this bug earlier, but for sure they were more talented than me. On the other hand I knew something that was essential to do this: I could cut a deal with the owners of both sections of the area and arranged a legal and free entry for two whole days. We had two fantastic and a bit risky days, eg. i climbed up to the top of the water tower (not easy for a limbless guy), by the time i got to the top my friends downstairs started to split my lenses since they figured i would surely break my neck in the process. Find my shoes on the picture below:-)


Later I run the selection process (artists can be amazingly difficult when it gets to evaluating the work of each other), I did the DTP work and published the result on I fell in love with the project, so I even rented a helicopter and flew over the area to take a shot from above with all 4 buildings on it. (this was before the drone age, folks)

Here is the outcome of the project: 


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