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Floorshrink diaries

Floorshrink diaries

The floor-shrink diaries #3 – “Luke, I am your father”

2017. augusztus 15. - Floorshrink

This blog post is actually not about Star Wars, I just needed an analogy for a disturbing piece of information: YOU ARE A SALES PERSON being in charge for selling yourself! I figured an average technologist would appreciate this message as much as young Skywalker liked the one in the title. Why I…


The Floorshrink diaries #5 - The curse of the Monkey Island

Summary: some folks around me mix up project management with project administration and seriously undervalue project management compared to technical skills. They are dead wrong. The objective of this blog post is to prove that most IT projects do not fail due to technical reasons, ie. technical…


The memoirs of Kilgore Trout – part 1 – “Did you get my e-mail?”

Summary: One has all kinds of communication methods to choose from: low tech like smoke signals to high tech like Skype video conferencing, let alone FaceTime or Viber. And there is one that rules them all: e-mail. There is a serious misuse of e-mail going on at ACME. The objective of this blog post…


The memoirs of Kilgore Trout #2 – “Who will buy my wonderful roses?”

Summary A new year always comes with a resolution. In case of a colleague of mine this was to take on board the preaching from me regarding SMART goals and regular checkpoints. So, he wrote a mail to his skip level manager, asking for these well-defined goals. He was emotionally hurt when he got no…


The floor-shrink diaries #2- The tale of the equal distances

A recently promoted colleague brought up a problem about her changed relationship with her team.  Something has changed, while she still treated herself as “one of them.” Well, not really. Leadership comes at a price, and this is not a new thing. “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”…


The floor-shrink diaries #1 – the circles of professional life

In the last two years I had the chance to talk to a fair number of people in my team about their careers.  After a while I recognized some patterns in these discussions and figured it would make sense to create a blog post from the relevant ones. Most of the stuff I am about to share is not my own,…

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